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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact Jefferson County!


What are the Issues you see?


Your opinions matter to me and if elected, I want to represent the people of District 2 correctly.

Please take a moment to answer this brief survey.       Thank You! ... Alan

1. How can I represent you if I don't meet you, so what is your main issue?

2. What would you change about Jefferson County?

3. Should the county council continue to allow dense housing developments where it will have a negative impact on traffic, our schools, emergency services, or response time for Sheriff's deputies?
4. The county keeps trying to raise our taxes even though voters say "NO!" 73% of the voters voted NO to increase park taxes. Do you believe, as I do, that we are taxed enough aleady?
5. Are you in favor of the City of Arnold's annexation plan of the land along highway 141 up to highway 21?

6. What issues do you feel are the most important to address?   (Check All That Apply)

7. Your ZIPCODE (Required)

 It is your option to provide your personal information below or not.

Thanks for submitting!

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